This section of the MMIS Basic Navigation course will feature additional MMIS prompts and setting.

There are screens that display when there has been a period of inactivity during a MMIS session. MMIS session will remain connected however after a period of time a prompt screen is displayed requiring worker to reactivate the MMIS session. MMIS returns to the location worker was using when MMIS timed out.

On the status bar there is an indicator when MMIS is processing a navigational request. The little red alarm clock means WAIT until MMIS has completed the current task before requesting another action.

Workers have the ability to print MMIS screens. We will learn about the print function in MMIS.

Most workers have the ability to launch a second session in MMIS. The second session is inquiry only for most county and tribal workers. We will learn how to launch a second session.

Workers have the ability to change the appearance of MMIS screens for personal preference.

And finally we will learn how to end a MMIS Mainframe session.

Let's look at these features of MMIS now.
